LEGION Model Builder Help

Focal Drift Zones

Like Drift Zones, Focal Drift Zones (FDZs) can be used as a supplement to LEGION auto-navigation. They enable you to define a series of intermediate focal targets between an origin object and a target object for Entities to follow as part of their overall journey. Each FDZ has a focus which can be either a point or a segment, and while an Entity is within the area of an FDZ it is directed towards this focus.

This focus must be outside the object's area: if not, Entities will not leave the area because they will reach the focus and stay there. There must be no obstacles between Entities in the area of an FDZ and their focus.

Tip: Before placing FDZs, you must create a Partition Layer (or Layers) for them.

Focal Drift Zone partitioning

In this context, partitioning means covering the accessible space within a Partition Layer with a series of appropriately shaped FDZs. This coverage can be partial or complete.

There are two main ways to achieve this:

  • Interactive Focal Drift Zone partitioning
  • Batch Focal Drift Zone partitioning

...and a further method for placing individual FDZs as and when needed as a result of conflicts in the partitioning processes.